Waste Not, Want Not | Family Treasures
Let me be honest. I struggle. Sometimes daily.
The angel on one shoulder says “simplify”, so out to the garage to the donation pile an item goes. Soon the voice on the other shoulder whispers, “waste not, want not” and back into the house an item comes.

Imagine my delight and (my husbands) dismay when moving into the century farm. So. Many. Items. Old items. Antique items close to disrepair. My only thought was “the stories these items could tell”.
Among the items found in the basement were a rocking chair and three dining chairs. I’m still researching the history on how and when they joined the family. One thing I did learn, the rocking chair was given to my husband’s uncle by a neighbor many years ago. The rocking chair had been Uncle’s grandmother’s brother’s (great uncle?) and was in the house when the neighbor moved in. Did you follow all that?! In the family, then left behind, only to be reunited with the family. I think that deserves an upgrade. Six layers of fabric and some elbow grease later, the chair stands proud here at the century farm. It’s a beautiful piece. It will never see the garage donation pile. The struggle is not so hard – this time.