Join us for Hands-on Workshops!

Latest Past Events


Red Oak II 12266 Kafir Rd, Carthage

During this hands-on workshop you will learn: How to make a robust sourdough starter and maintain it Helpful hints on how to mix your dough What happens during fermentation and the health benefits of sourdough Recipes for multiple sourdough goodies including pie crusts and biscuits Bake and sample sourdough goodies Take home your very own...



Centennial Roots Homestead Lamar

During this hands-on workshop you will learn: How to Choose, Raise, Harvest, and Preserve your own meat birds Choose- breed selection (broiler, dual purpose, etc.) Raise- feeding options, free range vs chicken tractor vs coop Detailed instruction on the processing steps: humane dispatching, scalding, plucking, eviscerating, parting the bird, & packaging for long-term storing About...



Centennial Roots Homestead Lamar

During this hands-on workshop you will learn: The top five (at least) herbs that are readily available in our zone The steps of identifying, harvesting and preserving these herbs  How to make a tincture, tea or salve so that you have them available when needed Hot topics like elderberry syrup and fire cider as well as how...
